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Table 1 Comparison of the 2007 and 2018 WICF/AICR guidelines

From: Lowering lifestyle‑related cancer risk through adherence to the 2018 WCRF/AICR recommendations: insights and implications


WICF/AICR 2007 guidelines

WICF/AICR 2018 guidelines

Physical activity

Encouraged regular physical activity as a general goal

Specifies at least 150 min of moderate or 75 min of vigorous exercise per week

Dietary guidelines

Suggested a plant-based diet but was less specific about food types and amounts

More detailed on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, and clear limits on fast foods, red and processed meats

Alcohol consumption

Recommended minimizing alcohol intake

For cancer prevention, it is best not to drink alcohol

Dietary patterns vs. individual foods

Focused on individual nutrients and foods

Emphasizes overall dietary patterns for combined effect on cancer risk

Dairy consumption and cancer risk

Less conclusive evidence on dairy consumption and its association with cancer

Includes updated evidence, with nuanced discussions on dairy consumption and cancer


Highlighted breastfeeding as a recommendation

Continues to emphasize breastfeeding for its protective effect against breast cancer


Advised caution with dietary supplements

Advocates meeting nutritional needs through diet alone rather than supplements for cancer prevention

Salt consumption

Recommendation to eat less salt

Broadened and specified focus on reducing salt intake, particularly in processed foods

Sugar-sweetened Drinks

No specific mention of sugar-sweetened drinks

Added recommendation to limit consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks

Dietary fiber intake

A cut-off of consuming at least 25g per day of dietary fiber to meet the recommendation

Increased dietary fiber intake recommendation to at least 30g per day