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Table 1 Objectives of the community-based system dynamics (CBSD) workshops

From: Mapping food system drivers of the double burden of malnutrition using community-based system dynamics: a case study in Peru

Explicit objectives

E1: Map the drivers of the food system that contribute to the double burden of malnutrition in two diverse regions in Peru using a CBSD approach

E2: Orient relevant stakeholders to a systems perspective of the double burden of malnutrition

E3: Identify potential policy levers that could address the double burden of malnutrition through changes in the food system to be explored in future simulation analysis

Implicit objectives

I1: Build group model building capabilities within the project research team to facilitate community workshops

I2: Support the development of a cohort of community stakeholders with exposure to system dynamics approaches to continue involvement in the project moving forward

I3: Generate resources to replicate application of the CBSD approach in relevant future work