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Table 5 Comparison of percentage of ACF vs PCF participants with no/mild/major depression at baseline and follow-up

From: Stigma, depression, and quality of life among people with pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed through active and passive case finding in Nepal: a prospective cohort study

Depression category by PHQ-9 score



Change from baseline to follow-up

ACF (n = 111)

PCF (n = 110)

p value

ACF (n = 111)

PCF (n = 110)

p value

ACF (n = 111)

PCF (n = 110)

p value

No depression [0–4] (%)

74 (67)

78 (72)


86 (77)

75 (68)


12 (10)

 − 4 (− 4)


Mild depression [5–9] (%)

21 (19)

23 (20)


18 (16.5)

31 (28)


 − 3 (− 3)

9 (8)


Major depression [≥ 10] (%)

16 (14)

9 (8)


7 (6.5)

4 (4)


 − 9 (− 8)

 − 5 (− 5)

  1. P values are derived from chi-squared tests comparing the percentage of ACF participants vs PCF participants with no depression, mild depression, and major depression at baseline, follow-up, and the change between baseline and follow-up