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Editorial Board

Editorial Board Members

Our Editorial Board Members work closely with our in-house editors to ensure that all manuscripts are subject to the same editorial standards and journal policies. Editorial Board Members are active researchers recognized as experts in their field. Our Editorial Board Members handle manuscripts within their areas of expertise, overseeing all aspects of the peer review process from submission to acceptance. 

Meredith Brooks, PhD, Boston University School of Public Health, USA
Research interests: Pediatric care, adolescent health, tuberculosis, screening programs, care cascades, implementation science

Dr. Meredith Brooks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health at Boston University School of Public Health. She is an epidemiologist with additional training in implementation science and an unwavering commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of vulnerable populations globally. Dr. Brooks focuses her research on identifying interventions and strategies to improve detection, diagnoses, and care for children, adolescents, and youth with, or at high-risk of, tuberculosis. She also produces evidence to refine diagnostic algorithms, identify gaps in care and treatment, and to advance surveillance efforts. Dr. Brooks has research partnerships in over ten countries across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Webpage.

Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk, PharmD, PhD, University of Utah, USA
Research interests: Evidence synthesis, global health, health technology assessment, health economic evaluation, real world data analysis, health policy and system research including health equity.

Dr.Chaiyakunapruk is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy at The University of Utah. His expertise is in Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy. He has applied health economics, real world data analysis, and evidence synthesis to support national and global policy, especially his contributions to the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control. His current research works have been focused on health equity and health economics. He is a co-author of CHEERS 2022 (Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards Statement) and WHO guide for standardization of economic evaluations of immunization programmes, 2nd edition. He was a co-founder of the ISPOR Asia Consortium, an adviser of National Essential Drug List Selection Subcommittee of Thailand and a member of Health Economic Working Group of Benefit Package Selection Committee of National Health Security Office Thailand. Dr.Chaiyakunapruk has an H-index of 54 and is an author of more than 300 international publications in peer-reviewed journals. Webpage.

Peter Ka Hung Chan, Dr. phil., University of Oxford, UK
Peter Ka Hung
Research interests: Epidemiology, environmental health, cohort studies, randomised controlled trials, chronic diseases

Peter is an Oxford British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence Intermediate Transition Research Fellow in the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford. His research is based on the China Kadoorie Biobank and UK Biobank and focuses on the understanding of the effects of environmental exposures on major chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease. He is particularly interested in integrating multi-dimensional data (e.g. wearable devices, OMICs) to assess the health impact of environmental exposures more accurately and comprehensively. Before his DPhil, Peter has received extensive training in epidemiology and global and public health from the Univeristy of Oxford, Johns Hopkins Blomberg School of Public Health, Copenhagen School of Global Health, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Webpage.

Amrita Daftary, PhD, York University, Canada
Research interests: Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, qualitative methods, community-engaged research, stigma, social determinants

Amrita Daftary is a social and behavioural health researcher. She applies diverse qualitative methods and critical approaches to inquire and intervene on the social determinants of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Her research is based in South Africa, India, Canada, and often integrated into large implementation science and clinical trials. She is also engaged in several global activities, to help guide policy frameworks and works closely with community and international advocacy groups. Amrita is an Associate Professor at the School of Global Health, York University, and holds adjunct positions at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She has an MPH in health promotion from Columbia University and PhD in public health from the University of Toronto. Her primary training was in pharmacy. Webpage. 

Angeline Ferdinand, PhD, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Research interests: Genomics; evaluation; public health; health equity; epidemiology; health policy

Dr Angeline Ferdinand BA, MPH, PhD has had a wide-ranging academic career that has focused on applied research that addresses complex problems of health equity, social determinants of health and the implications of new technologies in public health practice. She has conducted large-scale evaluations of health policies and initiatives, and her work has had substantial policy impact. Angeline is leading the evaluation of the DFAT project Mitigating the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance in Pacific Island Countries project (the COMBAT AMR Project), which utilises a One Health framework to enhance capability to address AMR in selected Pacific Island Countries. The project promotes AMR control and monitoring through intersectoral collaboration, detection and surveillance. Additionally, she is undertaking a world-first body of work evaluating the application of microbial genomics in public health surveillance and outbreak control. This includes assessment of platforms designed to facilitate cross-jurisdictional sharing of SARS-CoV-2 genomic data and development of recommendations for future pandemic preparedness.  Webpage

Chuanxi Fu, PhD, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, China
Chuanxi Fu
Research interests: Vaccine effectiveness/impact, vaccine hesitancy, burden of infectious diseases, history of vaccines, epidemiology, vaccinology

Chuanxi Fu is a professor and director at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Vaccines, School of Public Health, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University. From 2004 to 2017, he had worked at the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, focusing on the epidemiology of vaccines and chronic diseases. Utilizing various data platforms, his team systematically assessed the burden of infectious diseases in immunocompromised individuals and developed disease risk models. He established a surveillance network to monitor vaccine attitudes and vaccination decisions among specific populations in China, analyzed vaccine hesitancy profiles in the Chinese population, and explored new technologies for hesitancy intervention. He is dedicated to vaccine education in China and serves as the chief editor of China's inaugural vaccine textbook. Webpage.

Michael Glick, DMD, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Research interests: Global, public and population oral health

Michael Glick is Professor and Executive Director, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Glick has an extensive publication record, including original research articles, editorials, and book chapters, and has authored, edited and co-edited 10 textbooks. Dr. Glick is past Dean, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, past-President of the American Board of Oral Medicine and served as Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of the American Dental Association from 2005 to 2020. Webpage.

Andrew Hayen, PhD, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Research interests: Biostatistics, epidemiology, refugee health, maternal and child health, health financing

Andrew Hayen is Professor of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health at the University of Technology Sydney. He is also the Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning) in the School of Public Health, where he oversees the four degree programs in public health, health services management and diabetes education. He graduated from the University of Sydney with First Class Honours and the University Medal in mathematical statistics, a Master of Biostatistics and a PhD in mathematical statistics. He is a graduate of the NSW Biostatistics Training Program. Webpage.

Sanjay Jayasinghe, MBBS, MSc, PhD, National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance and the University of Sydney, Australia
Sanjay JayasingheSanjay is a medical graduate with postgraduate qualifications in community medicine and public health. He is a medical epidemiologist at Australia’s National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS). Sanjay holds a conjoint academic appointment as Senior Lecturer in Children’s Hospital Westmead Clinical School of The University of Sydney. His PhD from The University of Sydney was on effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccinations in Australian children and epidemiology of pneumococcal disease in special risk groups. Sanjay’s work at NCIRS for over 10 years has primarily been in the area of evidence-based technical support for the development of immunisation policy and practice in Australia. He was awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) emerging leader fellowship in 2021. In addition to infectious disease epidemiology, he also has extensive experience as a health services researcher in the areas of quality and safety of healthcare for the elderly, evaluation of complex system interventions, and assessment of provider and consumer perspectives of healthcare. He has a particular interest in appraisal of large administrative and clinical databases for research and use of linked data to inform clinical practice and policy. Sanjay has also worked as a clinical practitioner in Sri Lanka and Australia. Webpage.

Amal Khanolkar, PhD, King's College London, UK
Amal Khanolkar
Research interests: Health inequalities, epidemiology, observational studies, ethnicity, sexuality, refugee and migrant health, LGBT health, mental health, multimorbidity, comorbidity, non-communicable disease epidemiology, intersectionality, child and adolescent health, lifecourse epidemiology

Amal is a social and lifecourse epidemiologist with a keen interest in methodology (especially longitudinal methods), specialising in health inequalities and noncommunicable disease epidemiology. His strengths lie in observational epidemiology and mixed methods, data management and analysis, teaching (basic and advanced epidemiology and biostatistics, methods for health inequalities research and social medicine), project management and supervision of research projects (specifically MSc dissertations and PhD projects). In the past 5 years, he has developed a strong interest in non-communicable diseases, mental health and specifically in comorbidity between mental and physical health and associated inequalities, especially those related to marginalised and minority groups. He currently leads a mixed-methods project examining mental health inequalities in individuals with multiple minority identities (expanding on intersectionality and the minority stress and cultural relational theories). Webpage.

Caterina Ledda, PhD, University of Catania, Italy
Research interests: Epidemiology, occupational medicine, environmental medicine, prevention, health, global health

Caterina Ledda, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Occupational Medicine, her focus on the interactions between environmental, occupational, and social determinants of health, and their impact on health outcomes at the global level. Occupational and environmental epidemiology is very relevant in understanding and managing health hazards in the workplace. By applying the principles and methodology of epidemiology, she is able to study the causes and distribution of diseases in occupational and environmental settings, which can lead to the development of effective prevention and control measures. Her research on cumulative/mixtures risk assessments is also important in understanding the combined effects of multiple hazards in the workplace and environment, which can help to identify groups of population who may be at higher risk of adverse health effects. Her research combines the principles and practices of occupational and environmental medicine with a global health perspective. She emphasizes the study of the global burden of occupational and environmental diseases, injuries, and disabilities, and the development and implementation of interventions to improve the health and safety of workers and communities worldwide. Webpage.

Meng Li, PhD,Tufts Medical Center, USA
Research interests: Value of medical technologies, health services research, pharmaceutical market and pricing

Dr. Meng Li is an Assistant Professor at Tufts Medical Center. Her research uses various data sources including population-based cancer registries, nationwide administrative claims databases, national survey data, and data from clinical trials and observational series to examine disease burden, factors that influence health care utilization, and the effect of health care utilization on health outcomes. She also developed methods to quantify novel elements of value for medical technologies in economic evaluations, which has important implications on the practice of value assessment. She has also worked as an independent health economics and outcomes research consultant and as a health economist in the pharmaceutical industry. Webpage.

Stephanie Lo, PhD, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
Stephanie Lo
Research interests: Bacterial Pathogen Genomics, Pneumococcal genomics

Stephanie Lo is a microbiologist and evolutionary biologist whose research aims at understanding how bacterial pathogens evolve and adapt over time and in different environments. She investigates genetic adaptation in bacterial population under vaccine- and antibiotic-selective pressure using population genetics, molecular biology and phylogenetic models, and use this information to improve vaccine design and devise novel antimicrobial strategies.
Stephanie has published more than 60 articles. At present, she is leading the Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Project ( as a Senior Science Manager / Transnational Science Lead at Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK. Partnering with more than 100 scientists around the globe, she analyses >26,000 pneumococcal genomes to understand how pneumococci escape the current vaccine. Her team deciphered the mechanism of vaccine evasion and identified major vaccine-escaping strains. The finding provides evidence basis to inform more effective vaccine design and vaccine policy at national and international level to further reduce child death. Webpage

Finn McQuaid, PhD, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Christopher Finn
Research interests: Tuberculosis; Mathematical modelling; Treatment Adherence; Drug-resistance

I am mathematical modeller, with experience in modelling infectious diseases in a range of settings. I am the TB Modelling and Analysis Consortium (TB MAC) Secretariat Epidemiologist, involved in developing guidance and resources for country-level TB modelling to support decision-making, and facilitating coordination between international funders and stakeholders. I am also a member of the TB Modelling Group, researching drug-resistant tuberculosis, treatment adherence and the impact of COVID-19 on TB. I am currently co-director of the LSHTM TB Centre.
I gained a BSc (hons) in Mathematics from Rhodes University, South Africa, and was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to study for an MSc and subsequent PhD in Mathematical Biology at the University of Bath. Before joining LSHTM I worked on global food security at Rothamsted Research, developing spatially-explicit models for the control of cassava diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. Webpage. 

Michael F. Murray, MD, Mount Sinai Health System, USA
Research interests: DNA-based population screening, precision public health, genetics and genomics

Dr. Mike Murray joined the Yale School of Medicine in 2018 as a Professor of Genetics. In 2019 he led the launch of “Yale Generations”, a healthsystem-based genomic health project that links genomic data with electronic health data in order to enable both research and patient care delivery. From 2013 to 2018 he was the Geisinger Health System’s first director of clinical genomics. At Geisinger he led the design and implementation of the GenomeFIRST program in 2015. Prior to his time at Geisinger he was on the faculty at Harvard Medical School and was the clinical chief of genetics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston for nine years. He is a physician and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics. He is currently a member of the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) Board of Directors. Webpage.

Semeeh Omoleke, PhD, World Health Organization, Afghanistan
Semeeh Omoleke
Research interests: Infectious disease epidemiology, vaccination/immunisation in the global south, vaccine hesitancy, vaccine safety and post-marketing surveillance (AEFI Surveillance), vaccine preventable disease surveillance, polio eradication, social science approaches in humanitarian/outbreak response contexts

Dr Semeeh A. Omoleke holds a PhD in International Public Health at EUCLID (Euclid University). He studied Medicine at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria and obtained his master’s degree from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom (UK). He also bagged a postgraduate diploma in Public Administration at Usmanu Dan Fodio University, Sokoto State, Nigeria. He is a fellow and member of various local and international academic and professional bodies in the field of public health and sustainable development. He is a prolific writer and astute researcher; he published over 50 articles and two book chapters on a range of public health issues in international peer-reviewed journals and publishing houses. He is a review editor for Frontiers in Tropical Disease (Disease Prevention and Control Specialty) and has reviewed for many top-tier public health and global health journals. He has over 13 years of progressive professional experience in public health in Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean region working within the United Nations systems, essentially with the World Health Organization (WHO). Notably, he worked with the Medical Research Council (UK) Unit, Fajara, on the first nationwide Tuberculosis prevalence survey (published in the WHO Bulletin). Currently, he is a Medical Officer with the Polio and EPI cluster in the WHO Afghanistan Country Office. Webpage.

Alfred Osoti, MBChB MMed MPH PhD, University of Nairobi, Kenya, and University of Washington, USA
Research interests: Maternal health, cardiometabolic research, NCD, HIV

Dr Alfred Osoti is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Nairobi and Affiliate Associate Professor at the Department of Global Health University of Washington. He holds an MBChB and Masters of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University of Nairobi as well as MPH and PhD from the University of Washington. He is also a researcher and has supervised more than 20 postgraduate students and published more than 40 peer reviewed publications. He has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. He is a PI or CoPI in multiple NIH and WHO funded research projects. Webpage. 

Robert Paulino-Ramirez, MD, Instituto de Medicina Tropical & Salud Global, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Dominican Republic
Robert Paulino-Ramí
Research interests: Viral diseases, Molecular epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, Arboviruses, STIs, Emerging Infectious Diseases

Dr. Robert Paulino-Ramirez is Professor of the Chair of Tropical Medicine and Global Health and Medical Virology at the School of Medicine of the Universidad Iberoamericana-UNIBE, and Clinical Associate Professor at Michigan State University (MSU). Principal Investigator and founder director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine & Global Health of UNIBE.
Senior researcher of the National Health Research Career, and Researcher of the Year in the Health category of the National Research Award (2018). He received the Young Investigator Award from the Pan American Association of Infectious Diseases (API) (2021). He was Scientific Director of the COVID-19 Emergency and Health Management Committee. Doctor of Medicine from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), postgraduate training in Molecular Microbiology from Michigan State University (MSU), and fellowship in Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS from Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, Weil-Cornell Medical College. Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in London, United Kingdom, and Master in Higher Education and Management from the Universidad Católica Santo Domingo.
He is a member of the Dominican Academy of Medicine, the American Virology Society, the International AIDS Society, the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the American Association of HIV Specialists. Webpage

Wei Jie Seow, ScD, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Wei Jie
Research interests: Epidemiology of chronic diseases, Molecular biomarkers, Environmental epidemiology

Dr. Seow is an environmental and molecular epidemiologist whose main research interests include air pollution and its association with molecular markers and chronic disease outcomes. Webpage.

D Cristina Stefan, PhD, MD, MBA, UMF Bucharest, Romania
Cristina Stefan
Research interests: Global oncology, global health rural areas, innovative approaches to GH, education GH

Cristina Stefan obtained her MD in Romania, followed by Master degrees in Pediatrics and Oncology in South Africa, a Master in cancer epidemiology from UK, a PhD in medical education and an MBA from France. She is Professor of Global Health and Medicine and previously the Director of the Institute of Global Health Equity Research at The University of Global Health Education in Rwanda, providing leadership and developing the young generation of global health and oncology scientists. Dr. Stefan is a Member of Honor of the Academy of Medical Science, Romania, a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, and of the Royal Society of Science of South Africa. She is the first woman elected president of the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer and was voted as the most influential African woman in business and government (medicine) in 2016, as well as among the top 100 Women Leaders in Healthcare in Asia, in 2020. In 2022, she received the most prestigious IARC (International Agency for Research in Cancer) award for women in cancer research.

Jill Thompson, PhD, The University of Sheffield, UK
Research interests: Children and young people, wellbeing, migration, qualitative, social determinants of health, health inequalities, health promotion

My research interests focus on children and young people’s experiences of health and wellbeing, the social determinants of health and health access in both national and international contexts. I have a particular focus on migrant children’s health and the use of technologies to improve children’s health experiences. I have developed research collaborations with colleagues in the UK, Ghana, Fiji and Nepal. I am the European regional lead for the African Child & Youth Migration Network. Methodologically I am a qualitative researcher with expertise in ethnography, participatory approaches and realist evaluation. Webpage.

Brittney van de Water, PhD, RN, CPNP, Boston College William F. Connell School of Nursing, USA
Brittney van de Water
Research interests: Nursing, tuberculosis, implementation science, maternal child health, human resources for health, social justice

Brittney van de Water, Ph.D., RN, CPNP, is an assistant professor at the Boston College Connell School of Nursing. She is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and global health delivery researcher. She is also the associate director for pediatric nursing at Seed Global Health, where she supports nurse educators and partnerships with universities in Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, and Sierra Leone. Dr. van de Water’s research focuses on optimizing implementation of TB and TB/HIV interventions in low-resource settings and uptake of evidence-based strategies at large. Her work centers on developing comprehensive TB care, leveraging routinely available data and cascade indicators to improve outcomes for high risk populations (i.e., children, pregnant women, people living with HIV) as well as building health professional capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. Webpage.

Karina Villalba, PhD, University of Central Florida, USA
Research interests: Alcohol use disorders, cannabis and cannabidiol use, mental health, long COVID, HIV prevention, intervention, violence against women

Dr. Villalba's research focuses on the intersection of HIV, intimate partner violence, mental health, and substance use, with a particular emphasis on women's health. She actively develops interventions that incorporate mind and body practices to enhance mental health and overall well-being while addressing health disparities among underserved populations. Her work aims to improve the quality of life for those affected by these complex issues. Dr. Villalba engages in interdisciplinary and collaborative research both nationally and internationally. Nationally, she contributes to various NIH-funded grants, assuming roles as both a co-investigator and principal investigator. Internationally, she has established a network of researchers across Latin America and Spain, collaborating on multiple research projects in countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Her work represents a significant contribution to the field of public health, driven by a strong commitment to addressing health disparities and global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. Webpage.


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